Monday, February 22, 2010

slightly sinister//poem written by andrew to me a few years ago

i took a walk
to the Wok
in my mocc-

i heard him talk
a lot of crock
that damn mock-
ing bird

'till i took a rock
and cleaned his clock
and now he mocks no more.

-drew douglas

Sunday, February 21, 2010

turn that frown upside down

it is so easy to find myself feeling like i "need" and just haaave to have so many things. especially clothes.
i'm so blessed and i find myself still wanting more: consumerism and materialism overtake me. isn't it time to put that down and look for something higher?
instead of just wanting things, i'm trying to turn my love of creative fashion into a creative outlet other than shopping and wanting.
so, i started using polyvore. it's so much fun to do and be creative, and rather than making me want things (though that never stop with so many cute things in the world) it helps me be creative with what i have and just have fun.
here are a few of the outfits i've come up with so far, mostly inspired by old fashioned things and the English literature i've been readin'.

this one was inspired by this particular book cover - one of those covers that really makes me interested in reading the book, and also a little by what Virginia Woolf stuff I have read.

i got the idea for this set when i was in santa barbara and saw a girl on the beach with a big floppy hat, under an umbrella, opening a train case. oh to be that girl, and do crafts on the beach on a pleasant sunday afternoon (unlike today in southwest missouri!)

and finally this set, inspired by a few of the things i already own and from my love of the idea of something so cosy and casual, but also very pretty. my sister-in-law lindsay has been a big influence on me for that sort of style, she always looks cute and cosy at the same time. : ]

now i'm off to do some rainy day reading - finishing Jane Eyre. this book is making its way into my favorites. as much as i love more modern american literature, english romanticism and victorianism still intrigues me so much.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

dreaming of the sky and rollie pollies...

so, amongst all this snow and coldish weather,
i am really craving one of those incredible, unseasonably warm days we are blessed with
every so often in southwest missouri.
this week last year, it was like 60-70 degrees all week,
and i remember wearing a sundress to
Josh and Nick's birthday party on Friday, February 6th.
i drove with my windows down, listening to Rocky Votolato's Makers album
in a sundress.
my favorite sundress: white with buttons, an empire waist, and a subtle hankerchief hemline.
one of my favorite dresses of all time.

what i remember most about the day was the beauty of everything around me:
the weather
the occasion
the people

putting a flattering, pretty and comfortable dress has the ability to transform me into something i strive to be: sweet and delicate, confident and happy.
comfortable in my own skin.

welcome summer, come on in.