p.s., I miss you brother.
21 Things to be Thankful for - February 2009
1. Weird, interesting music played late on Friday nights on NPR
2. Going birthday party in an old sweater whilst listening to Rocky Votolato’s Makers album
3. Laughing so much my tummy aches
4. The way listening to Fischerspooner makes me feel like I’m in a modern version of Tron
5. Special diet cheesecake with berries
6. The support of those closest to me
7. Scribbles in Moleskines
8. Cleaning out my closet
9. Singing “Pencils in the Wind” with Meli
10. Hummus, Baba Ganoush, and the best pita bread I’ve ever tasted
11. Indian music, old and new
12. Hearing Bill McGlaughlin delight in his love of classical music - with the wonderful accent of my homeland
13. Early Valentine’s flowers from my dad
14. New cereal bowls bought especially for the purpose of consuming Life cereal
15. What seems to be the re-popularization of tie-dye (not the nasty, Joe’s Crab Shack tee shirt kind though.)
16. My warm cosy bed I enjoy hiding tucked away inside
17. Squirreling away moneys for my California trip
18. Magazines of modern fiction
19. Having more ideas swirling around my brain than I can deal with or put on paper - and the energy to put some of them into motion
20. Joshua Daniel Copeland
21. Writing up lists.